Content is King - first class knowledge from world reknown experts

A unique process to foster individual, team and organizational learning

Coaching Ourselves is a Peer-to-Peer Networking process which enables employees to learn from and with each other. It provides a framework through which employees are able increase both their knowledge and skills in specific business areas either digitally or on-site at their business location. By expanding their skill-set and know-how, employees are empowered to personally contribute to creating a more agile organization.

(Take a look at the following introduction for a detailed overview to Enable Enabler's approach to Peer-to-Peer Networking: The Value of Peer-to-Peer Networking for your Organization Recognizing the power of providing small group learning experiences at all levels of a company's organization, Ensemble Enabler is a certified partner of Henry Mintzberg's Coaching Ourselves approach.)

Top notch content developed by world-wide experts

The founder of CoachingOurselves, Henry Mintzberg, received his PhD at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is currently a professor at McGill University (Montreal, Canada).  Dr. Mintzberg has been invited to Europe by both INSEAD and the London Business School to serve as a guest professor.

The CoachingOurselves modules have been created by Dr. Mintzberg's worldwide network of leading professors, thinkers and practitioners. He has attracted these renowned collegues from the best business schools and universities to collaborate with him to create top quality content on an MBA level. More than 60 modules makes this content accessible to employees at all levels of an organization.

The Coaching Ourselves modules are a result of an on-going collaboration of worldwide acknowledged experts in their fields. Ensemble Enabler would like to highlight a select number of module authors in order to illustate quality of the CoachingOurselves  content:

Professor Henry Mintzberg - specialist in management and strategy

Professor Edgar Schein - specialist in organizational psychology and organizational culture

Professor Philip Kotler - specialist in marketing

Professor David Cooperrider - specialist in change management

Professor Nancy J Adler - specialist in cross-cultural and gender management

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith - specialist in coaching, mentoring and personal development

Enable your organization to use the power of networks to identify sustainable business solutions with speed and effectiveness: Network Leadership - Intentional Collaboration - Network Mindset

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Here is a overview of expert authors of Coaching Ourselves modules:

Learning about management and strategy from Henry Mintzberg

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Dr. Henry Mintzberg, is an internationally renowned academic, author and researcher. He is professor of Management Studies at the Desautels Faculty of Management (Montreal, Canada). He is especially interested in topics related to management and business strategy. Most recently, he has focused his attention on issues concerning the health of society.

His provocative Harvard Business Review article (1975) examined what a number of managers in different industries actually did on a daily basis. This research discovered that managers were not the "robotic paragons of efficiency" as normally assumed. On the contrary, he found the average manager “jumping from topic to topic” during the course of the day. “He (a manager) thrives on interruptions and more often than not disposes of items in ten minutes or less. Though he may have 50 projects going, all are delegated.” Based on the research results, Mintzberg concluded that: “The job of managing is fundamentally one of processing information, notably by talking and especially by listening.” In other words: To be a good manager you have to be a good listener.

In 1994, he published his ground-breaking book The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning. He has been a much quoted author in the field of strategy ever since. 

Along with Phil LeNir, he founded Coaching Ourselves in 2007.

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1973 The Nature of Managerial Work; 1979 The Structuring of Organizations: A Synthesis of the Research; 1983 Power in and Around Organizations; 1989 Mintzberg on Management Inside Our Strange World of Organizations; 1991 The Strategy Process; 1994 The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning: Reconceiving the Roles for Planning, Plans and Planners; 1998 Strategy Safari; 2000 Managing Publicly; 2000 Why I Hate Flying; 2004 Managers not MBAs; 2005 Strategy Bites Back; 2007 Tracking Strategies: Towards a General Theory of Strategy Formation; 2009 Managing; 2009 Management? It's not What you Think! 2012 Managing the Myths of Health Care; 2014 Rebalancing Society

Coaching Ourselves Modules:

  • Crafting Strategy
  • Strategic Thinking as Seeing
  • Control through Decision Making
  • Decision Making - it is not what you think
  • Managing on the planes of information, people and action
  • Managing on the tightropes
  • Understanding Organizations
  • Silos and Slabs in Organizations
  • Chains, Hubs, Webs and Sets
  • Political Games in Organizations

Insights about organizational psychology and organizational culture from Edgar Schein


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Dr. Edgar Schein is the Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus and a Professor Emeritus at the Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

He is one of the most prominent psychologists in the field of organizational development worldwide. Schein's extensive work in this field has played an important role in the determination of the variables which are fundamental to the study of organizations. The noteworthy statement that the "collective norms and behaviors of people forming an organization constitute its corporate culture" was coined by him. Schein investigates organizational culture, process consultation, research process, career dynamics, and organization learning and change.

His ground breaking book on Organizational Culture and Leadership (now in its 4th Edition) has been a key influence in the field of corporate culture since its first appearance in the 1980s.

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1961 Coercive Persuasion: A socio-psychological analysis of "brainwashing" of American civilian prisoners by the Chinese Communists; 1972 Professional Education: Some New Directions; 1978 Career Dynamics; 1980 Organizational Psychology; 1987 The Clinical Perspective in Field Work; 1987 The Art of Managing Human Resources; 1996 Strategic Pragmatism: The Culture of Singapore's Economic Development Board; 1999 Process Consultation Revisited; 2003 DEC is Dead: Long Live DEC: The lasting legacy of Digital Equipment Corporation;  2005 Processadvisering; 2009 The Corporate Culture Survival Guide; 2009 Helping: How to offer, give and receive help; 2010 Organizational Culture and Leadership; 2013 Humble Inquiry: The gentle art of asking instead of telling; 2013 Career Anchors; 2015 Organizational Psychology Then and Now: Some Observations 

Coaching Ourselves Modules:

  • Managing Culture Change Beyond the Status Quo
  • Probing into Culture
  • Leading with Humility
  • Career Anchors

Learning about marketing from Philip Kotler


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Dr. Philip Kotler is currently the S. C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellog School of Management at Northwestern University (Chicago) as well as an acknowledged author and consultant.

The Kellogg School of Management is ranked among America's top ten business schools. Its marketing department is regarded by the industry to be the best. This reputation is largely due to Philip Kotler who has been a professor of marketing at the school for over 40 years.

His classic book Marketing Management (1967) applied rigorous analysis and mathematical methodology to marketing, something that had never been done prior to this publication. The book's influence over the past four decades has been monumental. This 800 page book is now in its 12th edition. Gary Hamel, guest professor for strategy management of the London Business School has noted that “There are few MBA graduates alive who have not ploughed through Kotler's encyclopaedic textbook and have not benefited enormously from doing so...I can think of few other books...whose insights would be of more practical benefit to the average company.”

 Principles of Marketing


Marketing Management; Principles of Marketing; Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit; Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know; Ten Deadly Marketing Sins: Signs and Solutions; Chaotics: The Business of Managing and Marketing in the Age of Turbulence; Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital; A Framework for Marketing Management; Lateral Marketing: New Techniques for Finding Breakthrough Ideas; Corporate Social Responsibility: Real Solutions for a Troubled Economic System; Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good; B2B Brand Management; Market Your Way to Growth: 8 Ways to Win; Principles of Marketing: An Asean Perspective; Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources; Fundamentals of Marketing; Ingredient Branding: Making the Invisible Visible

Coaching Ourselves Modules:

  • Brand Building for Every Manager

Gaining insights about change management from David Cooperrider


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David L. Cooperrider, PhD, is the Fairmount Santrol - David L. Cooperrider Professorship in Appreciative Inquiry at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio) and is founder of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit.

Cooperrider is best known for his original theoretical articulation of Appreciative Inquiry together with his mentor Suresh Srivastva. The appreciative inquiry approach focuses on strengths-inspired change (instead of problematizing change). This approach has influenced and is practiced by a broad specturm of institutions ranging from corporations, public service, economics, education, faith-based institutions, philanthropy and social science scholarship. Jane Nelson, the Director of the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University recently wrote, “David Cooperrider is one of the outstanding scholar-practitioners of our generation.”

Cooperrider advises a wide variety of corporations such as Apple, Johnson & Johnson, Cleveland Clinic, McKinsey, and Wal-Mart as well as the Red Cross and the United Nations. He is the founding Board Member of the Taos Institute and the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA).

appreciative inquiry handbook


1985 Appreciative Inquiry: A Methodology for Advancing Social Innovation; 1990 Appreciative Management and Leadership; 1998 Organizational Wisdom and Executive Courage; 1999 Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking Human Organization toward a Positive Theory of Change; 1999 The Organizational Dimensions of Global Change: No Limits to Cooperation; 2001 The Appreciative Organization; 2001 Encyclopedia of Positive Questions; 2004 Appreciative Inquiry Handbook; 2005 Appreciative Inquiry: Foundations in Positive Organization Development; 2005 Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change; 2007 Handbook of Transformative Cooperation; 2007 Designing Information and Organizations with a Positive Lens; 2008 Essentials of Appreciative Inquiry; 2010 Appreciative Inquiry and Sustainable Design; 2010 Developint Tomorrow's Leaders to Enact Corporate Citizenship; 2012 Advances in the AI Summit: Explorations into the Magic of Macro and Crowdsourcing; 2013 Appreciative Inquiry: An Innovative Approach to Personal and Organizational Transformation

Coaching Ourselves Modules:

  • Appreciative Inquiry

Insights about cross-cultural and gender management from Nancy Adler


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Dr. Nancy Adler is the S. Bronfman Chair in Management at McGill University (Montreal, Canada). She conducts research and consults on global leadership and cross-cultural management.

She received McGill University's first Distinguished Teaching Award in Management, becoming one of the few professors to receive it twice. As a 3M Teaching Fellow, Adler has been honored as one of Canada's top university professors.

She consults with private corporations and government organizations on projects worldwide. In Europe she has taught executive seminars at INSEAD,  Oxford University, and Bocconi University. In Asia she has taught Business executives in the People's Republic of China and held the Citicorp Visiting Doctoral Professorship at University of Hong Kong.

International Dimensions


1980 Cultural Synergy: The Management of Cross-Cultural Organizations; 1982 Understanding the Ways of Understanding: Cross-Cultural Management Methodology Reviewed 1983 Domestic Multiculturalism: Cross-cultural Management in the Public Sector; 1988 Women in Management Worldwide; 1988 International Dimensions of Executive Integrity; 1990 Strategic Human Resource Management: A Global Perspective; 1994 Competitive Frontiers: Women Managers in a Global Economy; 1997 Organizational Behavior; 1999 Global Leaders: Women of Influence; 2001 From Boston to Beijing: Managing with a World View; 2003 Communicating across Cultural Barriers; 2007 International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior; 2009 Shaping History; Global Leadership, in the 21st Century; 2010 Leadership Insight; 2011 Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace

Coaching Ourselves Modules:

  • Ordinary People, Extraordinary Leadership

Insights about coaching from Marshall Goldsmith

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Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is one of the world’s leading executive educators, coaches, and authors. He is a pioneer in helping successful leaders achieve positive, lasting change in their behavior. His success is built upon a very practical, no-nonsense approach to leadership. Over 150 CEOs have benfitted from his expertise.

He states that “My mission is simple. I want to help successful people achieve positive, lasting change in behavior, for themselves, their people, and their teams....and help you make your life a little better." Goldsmith has four decades of experience helping top CEOs and executives overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors to achieve greater success.



2001 The Leadership Investment: How the World's Best Organizations Gain Strategic Advantage through Leadership Development; 2003 Global Leadership: The Next Generation; 2007 What Got You Here Won't Get You There; 2009 Succession: Are You Ready?; 2010 What Got You Here Won't Get You There in Sales; 2010 MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, and How to Get It Back if You Lose It; 2013 Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Leaders; 2015 Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts - Becoming the Person You Want to Be

Coaching Ourselves Modules:

  • Feedforward instead of Feedback

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