Danklstraße 30
D-81371 Munich
Phone: +49 89 72 93 97 23
E-Mail: value@ensembleenabler.com
Ensemble Enabler is proud to be a certified provider for CoachingOurselves© – the company which was inspired by Professor Henry Mintzberg of McGill University (Montreal). This peer coaching concept was launched in 2007. Over the years, CoachingOurselves© has developed an extensive library of content for use in peer coaching sessions in conjunction with world renowned experts and business leaders in their fields. For instance, Professor Edgar Schein of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has written modules on leadership and organizational culture.
Given the breath and quality of topics available in the CoachingOurselves© repertoire, most companies will easily identify NETWORK CONNECTIONS modules which are indispensable for their specific learning objectives.
Hoever, despite the richness of the library of available modules, the moment inevitably arises when an organization says:
“We have a special need and would like a learning module on topic XXXX (fill in your topic request) which is not included in the CoachingOurselves© module library.”
No Problem! Ensemble Enabler specializes in conceiving, designing and producing customized NETWORK CONNECTIONS modules to meet customer unique needs. These modules are available for use either virtually or on-site in your organization's own meeting rooms.
The example of a custom-designed module can be illustrated by one family-owned medium-sized business. A German automobile part supplier, one of Ensemble Enabler clients, was acquired by a Japanese company. This client was faced with an unusual challenge. One of the key strategic business principles at the heart of the way Japanese companies organize their operations and other key business processes is the concept of “Monozukuri”. This term refers to a sense of pride in the work which is done by every employee and their personal dedication to the pursuit of continuous improvement. How could this company make this concept not only understandable to all of their employees but also integrate it into its operating strategy going forward?
To meet this challenge, Ensemble Enabler researched and wrote a NETWORK CONNECTIONS module on the topic of “Monozukuri”. In keeping with the concept of the CoachingOurselves© repertoire, the module was written for groups of four people coming together for a 90 minute learning experience. This is an ideal length of time during which adults can easily focus on a topic.
This “Monozukuri” NETWORK CONNECTIONS module was offered as a voluntary learning experience for the 3,000 employees of this automobile parts supplier. In the first year of the use of this module, nearly 2000 employees attended a NETWORK CONNECTIONS session on this topic (and others as well). The results of this initiative have been visible in all of the company’s factories and offices. Ask a random employee in any factory what “Monozukuri” is and they will be able to explain the concept. Plant managers now often speak about “pride in your product” as a component of the manufacturing process. This is a key principle of “Monozukuri”.
In the process of conceiving and developing modules on new topics, Ensemble Enabler utilizes the fundamental principles of effective adult learning practices which include:
• Explain why participants are learning something
• Foster “Learning by doing”
• Integrate new ideas with existing knowledge
• Provide social interaction as the key component of the learning experience
• Use and connect the participants’ life experience to the learning process
• Demonstrate an immediate use of the learnings from the experience
All of these elements were integrated into the concept of the NETWORK CONNECTIONS module “Monozukuri”.
What did this NETWORK CONNECTIONS experience look like?
Ensemble Enabler’s know-how to design a learning experience for your workforce provides a significant value added for your organization. We collaborate with select team members from your company to understand a key issue. As needed, we consult with subject matter experts to help inform and shape the module’s content. All of this collaboration and information form the basis for the conception and formulation of an appealing adult learning experience. All NETWORK CONNECTIONS modules are designed to allow employees to easily absorb the key content within a 90 minute timeframe.
While one topic specific module was developed for the NETWORK CONNECTIONS “Monozukuri” for the German automobile part supplier, a series of inter-connected module topics can also be developed.
One example is a Ensemble Enabler's NETWOR CONNECTIONS digital transformation initiative which consists of a series of modules on the impact of digitalization in the workforce. We have developed 6 modules to deal with the multi-facetted aspects of this on-going challenge for organizations of all sizes. This example illustrates how similar series of NETWORK CONNECTIONS modules on company specific topics can be developed for specific needs. These customized can be offered to employees over shorter time periods (3 or 6 months) or longer over the course of a year or more.
NETWORK CONNECTIONS offers a novel new approach to provide powerful learning process for your organization.
Not only does it support personal and team development but also fosters a lively learning culture in an organization. A customized NETWORK CONNECTIONS module offers an addition value to this approach by creating learning experiences on content which are customized to your organization’s specific needs. As a result, the importance of a business issue is promoted and an deeper understanding of its significance for your organization is strengthened in your employees.
Enable your organization to use the power of networks to identify sustainable business solutions with speed and effectiveness: Network Leadership - Intentional Collaboration - Network Mindset
Make the shift from a V.U.C.A. to a W.I.S.E. World
Danklstraße 30
D-81371 Munich
Phone: +49 89 72 93 97 23
E-Mail: value@ensembleenabler.com