Many of today’s companies find themselves in a similar situation.
Misunderstanding #1:
Digital Transformation is optional.
Misunderstanding #2:
Digital Transformation is difficult to define.
Misunderstanding #3:
Technology is the key element of digital transformation.
Misunderstanding #4:
Digitalization is led and owned by the Chief Digital Officer.
Misunderstanding #5:
Setting up agile teams is sufficient.
Misunderstanding #6:
Digital Transformation is a final destination.
on its unique digital transformation journey
"The true challenge of mastering digital disruption (and a major part of the solution) is enabling people.
Will the jobs be automatized away?
Will my business be able to keep up?
Where will I find the talent to master digitalization?
Ensemble Enabler has developed a series of learning modules which consists of 6 core topics.
Our goal? To support organizations to address the digital transformation process at any stage of development. This series can be scaled across the entire organization both quickly and effectively.
Launching this first step in a learning journey is essential if an organization aims to break the sound barrier towards digital maturity.
When an airplane breaks the sound barrier a sonic boom is heard on the ground. The transformation is audible.
The aerodynamics are dramatically different. Supersonic flight requires innovative technology (new wing design, more powerful engines, advanced material composites to withstand the heat generated by increased friction). Equipped with the right technology however, the flight is smoother than subsonic flight and quieter. The sound from the outside world travels too slowly to be heard.
When an organization breaks through the sound barrier, the nature of their digital journey is radically changed. The entire organization arrives in a space where their unique digital future can unfold.
Any successful transformation requires the will of an organization to re-create itself.
It demands the perseverance to stay on course.
It challenges an organization to continually cope with the inevitable ups and downs which will be encountered along this demanding journey.
Ensemble Enabler activates four energy fields which assist organizations to take off smoothly and quietly cross into this new terrain:
Click energy field to learn more
Danklstraße 30
D-81371 Munich
Phone: +49 89 72 93 97 23